Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Planet Earth. Is Anyone Paying Attention?

I was watching the CTV National News at 11 the other night when somethingcaught my attention.   One of the major stories was how Harper is promotingbusiness alliances with foreign countries to develop our North and the Arctic.  Chinaapparently has a keen interest.

That story was immediately followed by a bunchof headline mentions that were evidently not worth covering in any greatdepth.  Buried within those was a scientificreport on the alarming and accelerated rate at which the ice caps are melting.That was it.  I less than 4 secondmention.  So once again, greed, and power onceagain trumps life. The thing is that I KNOW that this is a fact of life so Iwas amazed that I was amazed.

I rememberAl Gore's book and video about all of this and it’s potential for somethingthat is really not good for our way of life as we know it. It created aninitial flurry and then kind of went away. Too bad really.  Among otherthings he talked about was what happened when fresh water meets ocean saltwater and how at this rate a natural disaster is inevitable.  No-one reallydisagreed. Yet this fact doesn’t seem to be registering in the media.

Over thelast several years more attention has been given to the planet throughorganizations such as WWF whose Advocacy With Elegance takes a non-partisanapproach to the problem and encourages business to do the right thing. Theyhave made progress. Then there is Greenpeace which is good and active but too aggressivefor some people.  I have to give themcredit for getting the job done.  Andthere are countless people who are taking small measures in their own way toclean up the environment and reduce greenhouse emission.  But is it enough? I am not someone forconspiracy theories but the more I dig the more I realize how much we aren’tbeing told, Very simply, it’s bad for business. Yet there are those businesses that have made huge inroads in creatingproduct that contributes to our planets immediate need. And that I believe isthanks to the people who are making some noise and consciously choosing to notdo business with those who are not on board. I would encourage everyone to keepmaking those choices whether its computer companies are those who sell catfood. Hold them accountable and certainly demand to know more. 

When I was speaking to a friend about this the comment wasthat it is frustrating because one voice get’s us no-where.  Well if there are enough of those speakingand following through the noise becomes fairly loud. 

 My ex is someone who I put into the category of lovingbeauty with one foot stuck in the past. His stock answer (as is the case with many), is that nature has alwaysrighted itself.  Well that’s true and itwill likely do it again.  We may just notlike how.

 Our planet is a living thing but even it has itslimits.  WE have assaulted it over andover,   Why not give it and ourselves alittle help because it cannot sustain us at the rate things are going.

Well, this might be a rant but I just knowthat I had to add my voice to the mix. I hope you do the same in your own way.  

Planet Earth. Is Anyone Paying Attention?

I was watching the CTV National News at 11 the other night when somethingcaught my attention.   One of the major stories was how Harper is promotingbusiness alliances with foreign countries to develop our North and the Arctic.  Chinaapparently has a keen interest.

That story was immediately followed by a bunchof headline mentions that were evidently not worth covering in any greatdepth.  Buried within those was a scientificreport on the alarming and accelerated rate at which the ice caps are melting.That was it.  I less than 4 secondmention.  So once again, greed, and power onceagain trumps life. The thing is that I KNOW that this is a fact of life so Iwas amazed that I was amazed.

I rememberAl Gore's book and video about all of this and it’s potential for somethingthat is really not good for our way of life as we know it. It created aninitial flurry and then kind of went away. Too bad really.  Among otherthings he talked about was what happened when fresh water meets ocean saltwater and how at this rate a natural disaster is inevitable.  No-one reallydisagreed. Yet this fact doesn’t seem to be registering in the media.

Over thelast several years more attention has been given to the planet throughorganizations such as WWF whose Advocacy With Elegance takes a non-partisanapproach to the problem and encourages business to do the right thing. Theyhave made progress. Then there is Greenpeace which is good and active but too aggressivefor some people.  I have to give themcredit for getting the job done.  Andthere are countless people who are taking small measures in their own way toclean up the environment and reduce greenhouse emission.  But is it enough? I am not someone forconspiracy theories but the more I dig the more I realize how much we aren’tbeing told, Very simply, it’s bad for business. Yet there are those businesses that have made huge inroads in creatingproduct that contributes to our planets immediate need. And that I believe isthanks to the people who are making some noise and consciously choosing to notdo business with those who are not on board. I would encourage everyone to keepmaking those choices whether its computer companies are those who sell catfood. Hold them accountable and certainly demand to know more. 

When I was speaking to a friend about this the comment wasthat it is frustrating because one voice get’s us no-where.  Well if there are enough of those speakingand following through the noise becomes fairly loud. 

 My ex is someone who I put into the category of lovingbeauty with one foot stuck in the past. His stock answer (as is the case with many), is that nature has alwaysrighted itself.  Well that’s true and itwill likely do it again.  We may just notlike how.

 Our planet is a living thing but even it has itslimits.  WE have assaulted it over andover,   Why not give it and ourselves alittle help because it cannot sustain us at the rate things are going.

Well, this might be a rant but I just knowthat I had to add my voice to the mix. I hope you do the same in your own way.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

EnCourse Connect: BOOMERS VS. MILLENIALS- Who's Zooming Who

EnCourse Connect: BOOMERS VS. MILLENIALS- Who's Zooming Who: Ageism in the workplace is an unfortunate fact of life these days although legally this kind of discrimination can't be named. So, we'll cal...


Ageism in the workplace is an unfortunate fact of life these days although legally this kind of discrimination can't be named. So, we'll call it Boomers vs. Zoomers.  It's been on my mind lately because as a Boomer I'm running into it everywhere.  If it doesn't pop up on an interview it shows itself as many companies are systematically getting rid of their over 40 + people.   

In a recent article by Money Wise Women the question was asked if it is age descrimation or attitude.  Good question and an interesting point of view.  In it Sherry Edwards compares the perceptions that go with both sides/  To name a few

Boomers are considered rigid and stuck in their ways, afraid of new technologies, slow to embrace new concepts and too expensive. 
Millenials are viewed as being stuck with fads and believe their way is the only way (sound familiar),slow to understand concepts outside of their experience, prefer social or email to actual face to face meetings and have bit of a you owe me attitude which can translate to in at 9 - gone at 5- no weekends and if you ask more than that and don't pay me I'm gone.

These are generalizations of course and their are exceptions yet this generalizations are put into effect every day and in every moment.

Cam Marston  of Marston Communications talks about the 4 generations in the work place today and the primary characteristics and values behind each.  His statistics are US based but I think it's safe to say they translate to the Canadian market place.  His point is that there is a way to bring these groups together effectively and in a way that is collaborative which means reduced attrition, which means money saved and maximizing the skills and experience each brings to the party.



I think the idea has merit and would love to see more companies embrace this notion rather than what I see happening.  One major media agency in Toronto has the reputation of being the under 30 club and recently got rid of virtually their entire executive team over 40. Seemed like a good idea but I understand they have quite a mess on their hands as those leading business are quitting and new hires are so green that their usefulness is questionable.  Another media vendor made it known that their preference was to hire young (and cheap) with most of their experienced sales staff let go within three months.

And now we have 25 Jennifer Kaiser promoting the future of marketing being shaped by the under 30's.  While I agree that their is  some exceptional and creative young talent out there experience does count. These group is just beginning to create theirs and perhaps should not write off what they can learn from people who have been put through their paces, made their mistakes and earned their stripes.

I believe we are at a tipping point and it's not necessarily a healthy one. What is also interesting is that those old stick in the mud boomers who are being forced out of their jobs are getting with the program. They are becoming very conversant with technology and social media as they search for the next opportunity. Expensive, well you might be surprised there as well.  When you've been forced out and have no immediate source of income perspective changes quite a bit.  So now you have savvy millenials that are creative and less costly as well as savvy boomers who can match that  criteria with an older face. 

I think employers should think again and look to see how both sides can bring value. They can  and do get along. One of my very good friends and an icon in the industry was let go this year.  People were upset especially the younger group because she is considered a great mentor because she has experience, is relevant and has depth.  Her replacement? Well let's just say that the grass did seem greener at the time.

Ellen Smith
Encourse Marketing and  Communications

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


While I haven’t beenactively blogging for quite some time, I have been busy in the land ofdeveloping brand strategies and integrated marketing for everyone else. Well, I’m backand this is the first of many blogs about strategies and solutions to grow yourbusiness, integrated marketing, tips and anything wonderfully interesting Imight run across.  But first let me tellyou what I’ve been up to. 


 Being a communications andintegrated marketing strategist is a passion and  I love it.   It’s intense and fast. It's mufti-dimensional and mufti - platform with multiple players that you have to juggle and manage. It's left brain right brain thinking plus you are a brand strategist and a project lead all rolled into one.  You have to be knowledgeable on just about everything  but know when to get out of the way and let your team do their magic. Above all you have to make it seem seamless and not add time or concern to an already over worked client's life.   So where have I been living and breathingover the last few years. Well for starters at MediaCom Canada working onintegrated platforms for P&G’s Gillette Drafted partnered with The Score aswell as others.     From there Iwent to StarCom/MediaVest Canada and developed integrated initiatives for SilkSoya Beverages in Quebec- Savor the Difference, Kellogg’s Kashi with  Les Chefsas well as Best Conversation Ever with Wind Mobile nationally. This is just toname a few.  But more on these in futureblogs. 


 For the last year I’ve beenserving as Director of Development at Speed XM an Experiential Marketing Agencyin Toronto.What I learned here was invaluable in terms of do’s and don’ts which are alsoto be shared in the near future. What I will say is that Experiential Marketingis an area that more marketers are starting to look at because it not onlybrings social to life it in a weird kind of way but it  was the fist kind of social networking beforethe social media explosion hit.  Now itintegrates the tools, and can provide some kick ass branded content along theway. 

So now I’m back and EnCoursestill lives doing what we do best: Providing great Strategic solutions that growbusiness and deliver results.

 I look forward to chattingwith you. Until next time.

 Ellen Smith. 

The "Red Apple" Business Assessment

Every company strives for exceptional performance from every department and every individual.

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  • Exceptional sustainable performance comes from motivated people

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